HomeLIGHTROOM PRESET5 Lightroom Presets, New Year Party 4424549

5 Lightroom Presets, New Year Party 4424549

2001373 5 Lightroom Presets, New Year Party 4424549
DNG, XMP | 6 Mb

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Set of 5 Mobile Lightroom Presets NEW YEAR PARTY

These presets perfect for bloggers, for indoors, outdoors and lifestyle photography. Each preset has been designed by a professional photographer.

  • Mobile Preset are perfect for your Lightroom Mobile App and work well with iPhone or Android device.
  • You don’t need an Adobe subscription to use these presets. Simply download the Lightroom Mobile App and create an account with Adobe.

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This set includes zip file with: 5 Presets for Lightroom Desktop (.xmp file) 5 Presets for Mobile Lightroom (.dng file) PDF Instructions